

Dec 17, 2009

Thanksgiving Tradition at Wood Stone


In the Fall of the 2002, a Wood Stone employee, David Morgan, had an excellent thought, ““I wonder what a turkey would taste like cooked in one of our wonderful ovens?” David brought the idea to Wood Stone chef, Frank Milward and volunteered to bring in a turkey if he would cook it up and they could share with the rest of the staff. David suggested that the “mini feast” take place on the work day before the Thanksgiving holiday and that everyone bring a dish to share. A tradition was born!

The following year David brought another turkey and Wood Stone pitched in a turkey as well and the side dish contribution grew. The third year, Wood Stone pitched in three turkeys and Dan Johns and David went to work on making 15lbs of mashed potatoes to go with the heavenly gravy and stuffing that Chefs Frank and Tim created. Well, year by year, the Wood Stone Thanksgiving lunch has grown until this year (2009) Wood Stone cooked up 8 turkeys and 50 lbs of fluffy, mashed, garlic potatoes. The chefs prepared two huge pans of their world class stuffing and enough ‘secret recipe’ gravy to float a boat. In addition, beautiful green bean casseroles, squash, yams, corn, salads, cranberry sauce, pickles and more rounded out the feast. For those with room for more there were pies, cheesecakes, cookies and other amazing treats for dessert.

The Wood Stone staff loves this tradition and hope it lives on for years to come. Thank you Wood Stone!

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