Aug 20, 2018

Guest Post: Meet Chef Linda Bedell

Meet Linda Bedell, Wood Stone Corporate Chef


Hi Linda! Do you think it’s important to visit the Wood Stone Test Kitchen before ordering equipment?

In my opinion, making a test kitchen visit is a “must” for anyone contemplating buying a Wood Stone oven. It’s akin to test driving a car; you don’t want to make such an important investment without first kicking the tires!
Over the years, the most fun I’ve had while hosting a test kitchen visit is witnessing the light bulbs click on during a demonstration. Once visitors see and experience the quality and versatility of food that comes out of the oven, they can’t imagine how they’ve lived without it. Also, their excitement is contagious; it reminds me of the first time I cooked in the oven and experienced the wonders of Wood Stone. 

The time in the kitchen is always a blast and I come away with more knowledge after every visit. Eating all the delicious food isn’t bad either!

How long have you worked with Wood Stone?

Though I have only been a Wood Stone employee for 5 years, my experience working with Wood Stone spans 13 years. Previously, I worked for Tri-State Marketing, our NY Metro based representatives, and that is when I first “drank the Wood Stone Kool-Aid” and haven’t looked back.

What has your experience been like working at Wood Stone?

What I love most about Wood Stone is the culture of the company. We are all truly invested in our products, our clients, and their success in the field. I feel that our team goes above and beyond to ensure that our customers have the knowledge they need to purchase and utilize the right piece of equipment. And more often than not, the relationship extends way beyond the sale.

How should someone schedule a visit to our Wood Stone Test Kitchen?

If you are ready for a “test-drive,” be sure to contact our sales team at 1.800.988.8103 to set up a visit today using the form below!

Chef Linda


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